Meditation has multiple uses and benefits, but one of the best is connecting you to the powers of your subconscious. Meditation bridges the gap between your conscious and subconscious minds, helps you stay focused in the present moment, and awakens limitless creativity, inner peace, intuition, and melts away dysfunctional emotional issues.
There are many forms of meditation. Some think the one and only way to meditate is to sit cross-legged on the floor and focus on your breath while clearing your mind of all thoughts. Yes, that is one method, but it does not work for everyone. Many struggle with the practice, and it can be a challenge for people in the neurodivergent community.
There are other user-friendly forms of meditation which include Mantra/Chanting, Transcendental, Progressive-Relaxation, Metta (Loving-Kindness Meditation), Movement, Body Scan, Journaling, Mindfulness, Breathwork, Focused, Sound Bath, Qigong, Chakra, Yoga, and Guided meditations. Find the methods that work best for you and reap the benefits of this transformative practice.
You can spend months or even years just trying different kinds of meditation methods, practices, and techniques. You do not need a teacher or a class to learn meditation. There are plenty of books, YouTube videos, online recordings and apps available to use for this purpose.
I invite you to explore the FREE course offered by SylvanWise: Finding Ease: Meditation Made Simple, Fun, and Practical |
Meditation will not only help you tap into your subconscious, but it will give you many other benefits as well. Meditation helps you relax, lowers stress, anxiety, and depression, and increases overall well-being. People who meditate regularly tend to be healthier than those who do not. They are also happier overall.
Try several different kinds of meditation before you decide on the one (or ones) that you want to use for your personal practice. There is no rule saying you only have to do one type. You can switch back and forth whenever you want
Whichever form of meditation you decide to try, be sure to start slowly. You do not want to dive into an extensive form of a new practice without preparation. Trying to meditate for forty-five minutes five days a week starting from nothing is a great recipe for fast failure or dissatisfaction.
Instead, start slowly and do your meditation practice a few minutes at a time. Do it two or three times per week. Once you have it down to a routine, you can gradually add days and times to your practice.
