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Intuitive-Astro Bundle Shop  


Embark on a personalized journey of self-discovery

with this Uniquely Tailored Reading

Frequently Asked Questions 

  • How do I make my relationships work better? 

  • What patterns from my family of origin am I carrying forward? 

  • How do improve my relationship with money? 

  • Why do I keep making these same mistakes? 

  • What can I do if I both love my work, but hate my co-workers,  work environment, boss, etc.?

  • What life lessons am I supposed to focus on? 

  • How can I express my true self in the world? 

  • Why do I feel compelled to make a change in my career/home/relationship/

  • How can I better understand and recover from a break-up?   


We all have dozens of questions that are based on the experiences of our past, the circumstances of our present, and our dreams for the future.  Exploring these energies can provide clarity and direction to move forward with understanding, confidence, and hope.  


The Intuitive-Astro All-in-One Bundle Report is a personalized compilation from the use of multiple report options, techniques, and intuitive insights written in a format to align with your specified Life-Themes or Topic(s) of Focus.


Astrological language and technical jargon can be included or diminished depending on your personal preferences.  


Reports support the highest possibilities for the individual as they highlight energetic influences, actions, possible outcomes and/or consequences influenced by the choices, free-will, and action of the individual.

Gift Card 2023
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