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The Akashic Apothecary:  Mindfulness
Mindful Breathing

SylvanWise Integrated Journeys offers intuitive, astrological, and numerological services, workshops, and classes for those who seek deeper insights on their path of spiritual, personal, and professional development through the exploration of a tapestry of metaphysical and career development topics. Topics include astrology, numerology, tarot, mediumship, totems, dream interpretations, sacred space, energy work, lightworker and empath exploration, chakras, auras, crystals, and metaphysical studies.

Mindful breathing helps us become aware of thoughts that are flowing in, around, and through us.  This awareness helps us to observe and recognize the transient nature of thoughts. We realize that anxious thoughts are usually about the past or future and these techniques can bring us back to the present where we can see that things are not usually an issue right now.  We learn to be conscious of the thoughts we choose to pay attention to and those we can let pass. 



  • Induces calming sensations and peaceful feelings

  • Encourages relaxation of the body and mind

  • Raises awareness on how breathing saturates all parts of life

  • Engages us in the mystical space between thoughts

  • Attunes us to distracting thoughts

  • Brings choice to the thoughts we focus upon

  • Allows us to be in the present moment and refocus our thoughts

  • Re-frames thoughts in a kind and helpful way

  • Stimulates thoughts to become more rational

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