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Welcome to the Celebration Guide for Mabon, the enchanting Fall Equinox! As we witness the transformation of vibrant summer colors into the warm, earthy hues of autumn, we find ourselves at a pivotal point in the Wheel of the Year. Mabon, also known as the Autumnal Equinox, marks a moment of equilibrium, where day and night share equal time. It's a celebration of gratitude for the bountiful harvest and an opportunity to prepare for the introspective journey of the darker months ahead.

Contained within this 24-page eGuide, you'll discover a wealth of information about Mabon celebrations, seasonal symbols, astrology, herbs, flowers, foods, colors, and animals. This guide also features insights into stones and crystals that resonate with the energy of the season, along with guidance on cleansing and charging them. You'll uncover inspiring quotes, chants, and lunar calendars, as well as practical tips on how to embrace the season's essence. Explore the art of crafting incense, indulge in a delightful apple pie recipe, and find relaxation and creativity in a captivating coloring page.

For those seeking to dive deeper into the mystical realm, you'll find a Mabon tarot spread and a dedicated tarot notes page. Journal enthusiasts will appreciate the thoughtfully provided prompts and a blank journal page for recording personal reflections. There's also an Intentions page to help you set your aspirations for this season.

To embark on this journey and explore the wonder and beauty of Mabon, simply add the FREE MABON eGuide to your Cart. It's an invitation to embrace the magic and traditions of this transformative time.

FREE: Mabon Guide (2023)

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